Saturday, May 24, 2014

Blogger's Days - What Makes Me Busy Lately

Nope. This is not a Directioner's Lair blog. This is what makes me busy lately.

I have shared with you guys that One Direction will finally go to the Philippines next year. And I'm freakin' excited. I've been keeping myself updated EVERYDAY on the ticket prices, sellings, tweets, newsletter. And I just can't get enough.

Last May 23, which was yesterday for me, the ticket launching event was held. I was sent a newsletter like this (but this is from One Direction Philippines okay? I can't screenshot mine. Haha. Weakling.):

I kinda wish I wasn't sent one. Because I didn't have the chance to go to the launching event. :( Like some says, not all DIRECTIONERS are RICH. I may have the luxury of laptop, phones etc. but I am telling you, I'm not rich. I can't even afford doing a giveaway for you guys just yet (But, I'm saving up for it. I'll talk about it later. Okay? Okay.). Well, I was so sad to find out that the VIP, Diamond, TItanium and Gold were sold out. SOLD OUT IN JUST A DAY. Whhhhhhhyyyyyyyy?!!!!

I feel so sad, angry, depressed etc. Sad because I can buy the ticket, only if given enough time to save up. Angry because the selling of ticket's too early, as if they're not a popular band that sells humungous amounts of tickets. And depressed because I was hoping to buy either a Diamond ticket or TItanium but they were all sold out, and the chances of a second day concert is low.

Well, at least, a second day concert was given a consideration by the management. But, I feel so freaking sad since yesterday, I didn't even eat properly, my eyes are glued to my laptop, and the lack of sleep did not help me at all. It was so fast. I even felt like the concert must be today. Why all the early sellings? :(

I have these friends that bought the tickets. They did not help in lessening my depression either. They posted how fun it was to get Diamond tickets, TItanium tickets. And I was like: Okay, you got your tickets, I didn't. >.< No matter how hard I try not to feel envious, I still do. Heeeeelp!

That's basically how yesterday went. And:

Imagine Niall saying 'Sorry' because you can't go to their concert:

Yeah. So uhmm, do you have some tickets there? Mind sharing it to me? Hahaha. :) That's totally impossible but uhhmm, that will be so freaking awesome!


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