Monday, April 21, 2014

Book Review - The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

I rated this 3 out 5 stars for explainable reasons.

Well yeah, here it goes:

It was a good story but I just didn't get hooked on it. If you know what I mean. This book was recommended to me by the fantastic Katytastic because I asked her for books similar to Eleanor and Park. :) Maybe this types of story just aren't my type of books.

The character can get very selfish sometimes, and then at one point she will be regretting everything she've done. Kinda confused me in there. Personally, I didn't like Lennie's character. 

What I liked about this book though, are the letters that Lennie writes on a candy wrapper, or on the trunk of a tree. It was great. It gives you a hint of what will happen and how the main character feels. :)

Check out my links:
Goodreads -  Ziara (Zee-ya-ra)
Twitter - @thesimplestme19


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