Friday, December 19, 2014


I really feel bad. Even making  this post gives me a heartache. No. I am never leaving blogger and my blog. But, I  feel so ashamed that I have not been active for more than 4 months. :( I have 5 drafts left undone. And a lot of broken promises to authors. I did not expect my school year to be as hectic as this.

I am writing this not to gain sympathy, but for all of you to understand. I am sorry for those authors who submitted their books to me, I don't want you to think that I am a scumbag or a book digger. I am sincere when I say I am going to review your book. But like I said, I did not expect myself to be busy this year.

I hope that I can finish most of the reviews that I promised before this year ends. Or even before January 2015 ends.

I am not gonna promise anymore. And will rarely accept review requests. Unless of course, when I really have a lot of time to do it.

I am sincerely APOLOGIZING to everyone. The authors, the bloggers, and my viewers.



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